Ones auto queue tutorial
Ones auto queue tutorial


For instance, if there are three elements in a queue, the Head pointer will be pointing to the first element. Use a Head pointer to keep a tab on the elements removed from the Queue - the Head pointer will point to the element to be dequeued next.When the queue is full, the tail pointer will be greater than the declared size. For instance when there are three elements in the queue, Tail will point to the fourth place. Use a Tail pointer to keep a tab of the elements added to the Queue - the Tail pointer will always point to the next available space.This is done by ensuring that the list doesn't grow beyond a fixed limit or size. Treat lists like arrays (fixed in size) - we can achieve it by virtually restricting the size of the list.Elements are added from the end and removed at the beginning of the Queue.However, if you want to implement Queues language agnostically, you have to bear in mind the following points: Python Lists have made it so easy to implement Queue. We will discuss the efficiency of operations in detail in later tutorials. NOTE: Implementation 2 is more efficient as the insert operation in the list is costly! This is because whenever an element is inserted at position 0, all of the other elements have to be shifted by one position (it is similar to when people sitting on a bench push down to accommodate another person). Post the ways in which you can handle this issue. Try using the popleft() command after the queue is empty and see what you get. The reason for this is covered in the 'implementation using arrays' section below.ĭeque is a library which, when imported, provides ready-made commands such as the append() command for enqueuing and the popleft() command for dequeuing. Note: You will notice that we are not removing elements from the beginning and adding elements at the end. Print(queue()) #prints Queue Empty!Ĭall the method printQueue() wherever necessary to ensure that it's working. #Removing the last element from the queue #Checking to avoid duplicate entry (not mandatory) Dequeue elements from the end of the Queue and issue a warning if it’s empty.


  • Enqueue elements to the beginning of the Queue and issue a warning if it's full.
  • Here we are going to define a class Queue and add methods to perform the below operations: One is using Lists, another is using the library deque and the last is by using an array. We are going to see three different implementations.
  • Random access is not allowed - you cannot add or remove an element from the middle.
  • Dequeue - Removing an element from a Queue.
  • The point of entry and exit are different in a Queue.
  • If the queue is full and you add more elements to the queue, a warning or error message must be thrown.
  • If all the elements are removed, then the queue is empty and if you try to remove elements from an empty queue, a warning or an error message is thrown.
  • The element to be added first is removed first (First In First Out - FIFO).
  • Queues are open from both ends meaning elements are added from the back and removed from the front.
  • Now, let’s look at the above points programmatically:
  • Once all the people are served, there are none left waiting to leave the line.
  • The person to arrive first leaves first and the person to arrive last leaves last.
  • People enter the line from one end and leave at the other end.
  • Let's make a few observations based on this example:


    Here you will learn how to do it in the Pythonic way and in a language agnostic way.Ī Queue is a simple data structure concept that can be easily applied in our day to day life, like when you stand in a line to buy coffee at Starbucks. Python implementation of Queue is relatively simple when compared to other languages. These concepts are often tested in interviews and have a wide variety of applications. This tutorial will help you understand a Queue data structure and how to implement it. Basic data structure concepts like List (Click here to refresh List concepts).To learn about the Queue data structure, you should first have a good understanding of the following: Last Updated: Wednesday 23 rd August 2017 Prerequisites

    Ones auto queue tutorial